Everything you need to know about name plates

In this blog about name plates, we will try and cover every aspect of name plates that you need to know before buying name plates. To explain the A-to-Z of name plates, let us start with a small story!
Rahul lived in Banglore for years with his family. He was in Jaipur for an important meeting, and there was a delay in his flight by a day. So, he had to stay in the city. Thinking about what to do, it struck him that his maternal uncle lived in a small village near Jaipur. He decided to surprise his uncle with a visit and re-live some of his old memories. While he had not been to that place since his childhood, he was sure about his mind for the location and went directly without informing anyone.
To his surprise, the village had developed a lot, and its face was completely changed. The paint on all the houses in the locality was of similar colors and well decorated. It was a tricky situation for Rahul now, and he did not want to knock every door to find his uncle, nor did he want to call his name out loud and spoil the surprise. As he walked clueless on the main street, he saw a beautifully crafted wooden nameplate in front of a house “Rajesh Sharma and family.” Rahul got the breath of relief and a smile on his face.
What is a nameplate?
In simple terms, the name plate is a product bearing name and required information for a place for a person. The information about a house should include the name of the person living in, house number, or/and house name or/and names of family members. And for an office name plate, the information on the name plate may include the company’s name or a person’s name, designation, or location. The name plate could be a small board with the necessary information or a frame with a detailed description of the place and the live-ins.
Name plates – though may not seem to be an essential commodity, but they give identity to your lovely homes. As the old saying reads – “A home is not made up of the walls and cement; it’s made up of people living inside it.” And for every home, the name plate is a face. A beautiful personalized name plate not only enhances the aesthetics of your door but is also a reflection of your personality and style.
Why do we need name plates?
The first thing a person visiting our home or office sees is a name plate. It gives the identity to your house or office, making it different for the neighborhood. The name board makes it easier for a visitor to any home or office to get the necessary information about the people he is to meet inside. The name plate also conveys a lot of information about the name and choices of a family or the work culture at an office. Every name plate tells a story. The name plate symbolizes the warmth with which you want to welcome your guest.
Types of Name Plates:
There are two different types of name plates based on the location of use, and the details and information included. These are office name plates and House name plates.
1. Office name plates
These are usually very professional and simple with clear information in simple fonts. Office name plates can be of two types – Desk name plates and Name boards for office.
Desk name plates
These are traditionally rectangular-shaped blocks made up of wood, acrylic, or metal. The information included is generally name and designation. These kinds of nameplates are a symbol of pride and honor for the titleholder. They stand a trophy to their deeds, sitting proudly on their work desk. It reminds them each day of their role and responsibility for the respect they get.
Name boards for office
These are designed based on the nature of the office. Office name boards are useful at government offices, law firms, doctor’s clinics, hospitals, retail shops, colleges, schools, hotels, restaurants, designer studios, and many more. These could be large designer LED name boards with a colorful logo and name of the company with some creative display of the work company does. Or a simple wooden engraved name board with office name and the area details. These tell a lot about the nature of work they do. Either they are simple black and white workplaces or colorful offices filled with creative people.
2. House name plate:
Name plates for the house are becoming very popular these days. Hardly imaginable, but a lot of options in different materials and distinct designs area are available in the market. A nameplate will give a welcoming look to your abode, an apartment flat, or a lavish bungalow.
You may choose a small wooden or metal name plate with engraved names or a large acrylic Led backlight board. With the names of every member of the family, there could be a folded hand ‘Namaste’ welcoming the guest or an image of Baal Gopal depicting happiness. Also, a stainless steel engraved name plate with the picture a Gautam Buddha would signify peace with your house name. While a designer colorful acrylic name plate with a hut and birds, one can add a caption of – “Home sweet home”. Any of these will tell your guest what kind of person you are. A good home plate gives your guests a good first impression about you.
What to convey on that first impression is a matter of choice. But it is an excellent opportunity to introduce oneself. Do not miss that!
If you are confused as to which type of name plate to chose, or anything else related to it, you can always contact Zoci Voci for an expert opinion on name plates.
To read more about Name Plates, here is the list of articles we have written: